Free daily tarot card reading and more. Life can be hard some times. It is great to have dreams, better still to be able to live them. Some times though it is the dreams of the mystical and magical is what gives you the strength to go on when reality takes every thing else away. Lets dream together.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
March 9 tarot card reading of the day
SIX OF SWORDS. This card is about moving on from a negative situation. What I see in the card today is: It is time for you to move on and let go. The negative situation is done and over but you have not moved on, and it is time to let go, stop trying to relive this in your head with the “Would of, could of, should of and if only”. Move on. It is done, deal with it.
March 8 tarot card reading of the day
PAGE OF SWORDS. This card is telling you “Don’t rush into battle”. What I see in the card today is: Rise above the problem this time. Be the better person this time. It is not worth being right or winning. Don’t rush into this battle, sit back and see how things play out instead. I think that you will find it interesting how things play out with out you jumping in to the middle of things. You will be very surprised and will learn a few things from this. It is to your benefit to sit back and let things happen with out your involvement.
March 7 tarot card reading of the day
THE CHARIOT. This card is about being caring and nurturing. However you need to concentrate on your objectives, don’t get sidetracked. What I see in the card today is: You have a goal or destiny in mind but keep going off track to help others in your life. You are not taking a strait path but a weaving path going back and forth around the path you need to follow. You need to curb your caring and nurturing side long enough to get to the end of this path so you can accomplish you goal.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
March 6 tarot card reading of the day
SEVEN OF WANDS Reversed. This card is usually about the need to cut down your problems one by one. Don’t let them build up, and thereby overwhelm you. The card is reversed indicating that you are trying to deal with problems that are not problems yet. What I see in the card today is: You are seeing problems where there are none, you are trying to fix things that don’t need fixing. This is causing conflict and frustration in those around you. Stop and take a real look at what is going on, you are causing more issues then the so called problems are. That has to tell you something. Deal with your internal issues and stop making them external issues that everyone around you has to deal with.
March 5 tarot card reading of the day
THREE OF CUPS. This card is about a reunion with friends. What I see in the card today is: You are reaching out for old friends. Times have changed but some how that has made you long for things in your past, like the friends you had and gave up. Now you can look up your old friends and recapture that part of your life that has been missing.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for March 3 2009

TWO OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually about a new relationship starting, or a new phase in an existing relationship. As it is reversed it indicates either no change or no new relationship. What I see in the card today is: There is no change in your existing relationships and as much as you would like to be able to have a change or move on nothing is happening. Part of the problem is that you are two emotionally invested in what you have and it is difficult for you to accept change or even to try and change things. So until you want a change and act on it things are going to stay the same. You hang on to the past even as you long for the future. Cannot move forward if you are still anchored to the past.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for March 2 2009

PAGE OF CUPS. This card is about new social contacts. What I see in the cards today is: You will be making new social contacts. You are in a situation where you have to meet new people. What you do once you meet those people is up to you. You can try and make friends, keep them as acquaintances or forget who they are as soon as you walk away. I can tell you keeping in contact with the people you meet today is the better option. There is a reason why you are meeting people today. You don’t have to become friends but you do need to have continued contact with them in a friendly manner. Be smart about it and don’t just brush people off today.
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day,
Page of Cups,
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for March 1 2009

THE EMPEROR. This card is about the struggle for personal independence. What I see in the card today is: You are pulling at the bit. You are tired of having to follow the rules set by someone else. You feel that you can handle the things that the rules are trying to keep you out of. You don’t want to be so restricted and feel as if you are not respected. It is time to try and get some independence but not as much as you think you want. You need to take this step by step a little bit at a time, showing that you can handle the independence and responsibility before taking on anymore.
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day,
The Emperor
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 28 2009

THE HANGING DRAGON Reversed. This card is about seeing the world as if it were upside down or topsy-turvy. What I see in the card today is: You are not seeing things clearly. You are being influenced by what other people are saying and all the negative feelings you have. You need to step back from everything and try to figure out what is actually going on, not what you think you see going on. Today is not the day to trust your perseptions or what you see, don’t react today, wait until you have all the facts before you act.
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