KING OF WANDS. This card is about a man of leadership. What I see in this card today is: A young man who has always been a leader. He seems to be able to attract like-minded people who look to him for guidance and advice. He is very passionate in his beliefs and accomplishing his goals. He has never sought out to be a leader; it just seems to happen naturally.
At this point in time he is not so much questioning but trying to balance his belief system, what he knows to be right and what is being done and said in the name of his religion. He finds himself in a position to make changes in how people of different religions, taught to hate each other, treat each other. He does not like living in a war of beliefs that destroys what the beliefs are based on. If killing is seen as wrong with in a religion, then how can you kill people in the name of that religion?
It is not that he is loosing faith or belief in his God but that he sees the contradictions in the teaching of his religion and the actions of those claming to do so in the name of the same God that says it is wrong. He needs to speak out and be heard, to make others understand that the hate is making them destroy the very thing they claim to be protecting. This will put him in danger, so he needs to decide what is more important to him, his belief or his life.