Last week James found an interview with Sir. Richard Branson where he said that if you had a business and wanted some advice to send an email. There was a link so you could send an email. It took James to, and there was an email address for general and press questions in the “contact us”, “your questions” section, point #3. So James emailed them telling them that we were a small business and that we did not want any thing from them but would very much appreciate it if Sir. Richard Branson would give us some advice on how to improve our business.
Within 7 days we received an email back. One of the Virgin staff actually took the time to look at our website and let us know that they liked it and felt that Mr. Branson might be interested as well. And seeing as all we wanted was some advice they will forward the email to him. Wow. Even if he is too busy to respond it is nice to know that some one in his office took the time to look. They actually followed through with his offer for advice; it was not a hollow gesture. Sir. Branson and Virgin are now my hero’s even if we never hear from them again.
I have to say that I would be incredibly grateful if he did find the time, even 10 minutes out of his busy schedule to take a look at our site and email us some advice. As it is it means a great deal to me that they took the time to read the email, respond to it and actually look at our site. They must get millions of emails. This is my way of saying thank you.
Free daily tarot card reading and more. Life can be hard some times. It is great to have dreams, better still to be able to live them. Some times though it is the dreams of the mystical and magical is what gives you the strength to go on when reality takes every thing else away. Lets dream together.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day – King of Cups

KING OF CUPS An emotionally mature man, capable of giving and receiving love.
What I see in this card is a loner, who likes to be on his own a lot, independent but at the same time can still be part of a group. Tends to be a leader not a follower. Likes night, works best at night. Tends to carry other peoples emotions on his back, in other words sensitive and empathetic but at the same times tends to take responsibility or feel responsible for other peoples emotions. They put their emotions to the side to protect others and can be misunderstood and lonely. He has been hurt emotionally by some one who just does not understand him, and that he has such strong emotions - Not the stereotypical male image people have about men and their emotions. Because he is a bit of a loner and a leader, very independent he is often perceived as not having the emotional depth, so people miss it our disregard it. They only see the tip of the ice burg and don’t investigate further.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Dragon Tarot Card of the day Ten of Swords

TEN OF SWORDS Unable to have an effect or change influences going around you. The need to just go along with the flow.
What I see is a person being trapped or boxed in by life and circumstances out side of their control. Every time they see a way out something pulls them back. As much as this person wants to move on this is not under their control. The harder they try to remove themselves the more they are pulled in. The need to stop fighting and avoiding and try to work with the other people involved in this. Some times you need to deal with the issues at hand before you can move on or change things. They also need to understand that some times things are not to be, or at least this is not the time for it, they have other things to deal with first.
The Magic Cauldron Sept 2007
The Magic Cauldron
Newsletter of
September Newsletter
What is new with Medieval Magic.
Okay people as we told everyone last month we are moving this month. So here is the scoop.
We are moving on Sept.17. It will be an all day thing so no orders or commissions will be processed till after. We will be taking a couple of days to do inventory to make sure of the quantity and quality of all items. This is to ensure no loss or damage caused by the move. So all orders received will be processed on the 22nd. for shipment on the 24th.
We appoligze at this time for the delay. But you as our customers have come to expect the best we can give and we wish to continue to give it to you all.
We will be adding and producing some great new products for Halloween and Christmas. Look for our new ceramics line as well as some new and unusual supprises. If there is anything you would like or need us to find or make we will be checking e-mail every day.
We do have a few custome orders for the holidays, but still have room for a few more.
If any one wishes to pay with cheque or money order please contact us when you place the order so that we can confirm our new address. This will start the 1st of September. The system will be updated with the new information on the 18th.
Special Promotions
None This Month.
Monthly Coupon
No coupon this month.
Contest Winner
Our courent contest for a $10.00 gift certificate will continue till September 30, 2007 as planned. You must find this picture to enter. Just tell us the day and what the sku # is.
Festival Season is over and we wish to thank all our customers for there support this year. We did better in sale this year and received great feedback from you all about the new site and company look.
As our goal is to bring our Customers the highest quality and variety we would be happy to hear from our readers about any items they would like to have available. Please click Here to let us know.
If you would like to submit an article, question or Business Ad for the newsletter, we welcome your submission. Please see the Newsletter section on our site for submission deadlines and conditions.
Medieval Magic
You have received this Newsletter by subscribing at
If you have received this in error please contact us at
Newsletter of
September Newsletter
What is new with Medieval Magic.
Okay people as we told everyone last month we are moving this month. So here is the scoop.
We are moving on Sept.17. It will be an all day thing so no orders or commissions will be processed till after. We will be taking a couple of days to do inventory to make sure of the quantity and quality of all items. This is to ensure no loss or damage caused by the move. So all orders received will be processed on the 22nd. for shipment on the 24th.
We appoligze at this time for the delay. But you as our customers have come to expect the best we can give and we wish to continue to give it to you all.
We will be adding and producing some great new products for Halloween and Christmas. Look for our new ceramics line as well as some new and unusual supprises. If there is anything you would like or need us to find or make we will be checking e-mail every day.
We do have a few custome orders for the holidays, but still have room for a few more.
If any one wishes to pay with cheque or money order please contact us when you place the order so that we can confirm our new address. This will start the 1st of September. The system will be updated with the new information on the 18th.
Special Promotions
None This Month.
Monthly Coupon
No coupon this month.
Contest Winner
Our courent contest for a $10.00 gift certificate will continue till September 30, 2007 as planned. You must find this picture to enter. Just tell us the day and what the sku # is.
Festival Season is over and we wish to thank all our customers for there support this year. We did better in sale this year and received great feedback from you all about the new site and company look.
As our goal is to bring our Customers the highest quality and variety we would be happy to hear from our readers about any items they would like to have available. Please click Here to let us know.
If you would like to submit an article, question or Business Ad for the newsletter, we welcome your submission. Please see the Newsletter section on our site for submission deadlines and conditions.
Medieval Magic
You have received this Newsletter by subscribing at
If you have received this in error please contact us at
Monday, September 3, 2007
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day – Reversed The High Priestess

THE HIGH PRIESTESS Be guided by your intuition. R-Superstitious, deluded.
Normally when the card is face up it is for some one who is well grounded, has good insight, and even better instincts. The card was reversed which indicates that this person is more interested in the end results of their actions so they don’t take the time to see what their actions will actually result in. They take leaps of faith with out looking at what they are getting into. This person does not succeed because they don’t put the work into it, they expect instant results and when they don’t get it they think it is some one else’s fault, it is never theirs. They don’t grow or learn from their mistakes because as far as they can see they did not make any. They have bad instincts, poor relations due to a lack of insight. They are disconnected from nature and have no sense of balance in their lives or with in themselves. They use all their energy and well lives on the wrong things, the end result or goal is more important then the life they live today. They miss out on all the things that make today worth living for, because they cannot see it, and if they ever do reach that goal it is empty and hollow and they don’t know why. It is good to have a goal in life, a dream but you still have to live in today. If you know some one like this limit your involvement, as they tend to drag every one around them down, they take and use or blame others around them.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Dragon Tarot Card of the Day

THE HIEROPHANT Power behind the scenes. Also, teachings and teachers entering one’s life. R- Stuck in tradition. Unable to keep up with the times.
This card makes sense seeing as school is starting in the next few days. So a lot of people are going to have teachings and teachers entering their lives, be they the students or the parents.
Today though I see some one who is a manipulator. Some one who can get people to do what they want, and are always behind the scenes. This person in not necessarily a bad person, or trying to get people to do what they want just for the sake of controlling some one. With this person it is more like that they are trying to help some one, trying to steer them in the direction they feel the person should be going. That if some thing needs to be done they can also get it done with out being seen as the one getting it done. They know the right person to say some thing to, who will say some thing to some one else and then the next thing you know it is done. They work behind the scenes. However this person is so used to controlling and manipulating situations and people that they do it with out thinking about what other people need or want. They get so caught up on how they feel things should be that they don’t see what other people want. They just assume that their way is the only way. This is when problems arise.
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