FIVE OF WANDS. This card means Challenge for others and to old fast to your resolve. What I see in the card today: There are two people in your life how are either trying to take on their burdens and worries, or to get you to resolve or fix their problems, or to do what they want all the time. They place overwhelming burdens on you, your time, energy and money. They tend to do this a lot. They are always trying to get you to do things for them. You have finally realized that this is not good for you and is holding you back from succeeding in your life. So you trying to stay out of their issues and they keep trying to pull you back in. This card is telling you to do what is best for you and don’t give in.
I am seeing this as a life issue not a day-to-day issue. I say this because the card was showing this as being in your work life and social life. It kept flipping between the two. I see someone, or two people, are dumping their work on you, or are not doing their part and expecting you to pick up the slack. I also see it as two people who are constantly turning to you for advice on every thing, and never listen to you, they expect you to pick them up, drive them around or go where they want to go and don’t seem to care what you want to do. You also tend to bail them out of money problems all the time.
You find that you try to help someone and the next thing you know you are being sucked into their lives and problems and are giving up too much. They become to rely on you and then just expect you to fix things, or always be there. I am not saying don’t be nice anymore, just put some boundaries up and take care of yourself first.
I am seeing this as a life issue not a day-to-day issue. I say this because the card was showing this as being in your work life and social life. It kept flipping between the two. I see someone, or two people, are dumping their work on you, or are not doing their part and expecting you to pick up the slack. I also see it as two people who are constantly turning to you for advice on every thing, and never listen to you, they expect you to pick them up, drive them around or go where they want to go and don’t seem to care what you want to do. You also tend to bail them out of money problems all the time.
You find that you try to help someone and the next thing you know you are being sucked into their lives and problems and are giving up too much. They become to rely on you and then just expect you to fix things, or always be there. I am not saying don’t be nice anymore, just put some boundaries up and take care of yourself first.