SIX OF CUPS. This card is about learning about living in harmony with those around you. What I see in this card today is that you have a goal that you need to work with others to accomplish. The problem is that you all have different ideas about how to do this. You have some who expect every one the do the work and let them take the credit. A couple who want to have control over every thing and every one because in there opinion there way is the only way to do it right. They like the control more then any thing else. There are a couple people who just want to get the work done as fast and as best as they can. They are tired of dealing with the lazy guy and the two control freaks and just wont someone to take charge and get every one organized so they can get the work done. You need to figure out how to get the right balance so you can get this over with. You need to play nice because you will be working with these people again. It is also important to get this done, as it will have an effect on your life. This is hard work dealing with this mix of people. It is actually harder then reaching the goal in the first place, if people would just let go of their personal agendas and get the work done. You will need to distress after each and every meeting with these people.