NINE OF COINS. This card is about gaining recognition in the eyes of others. What I see in the card today is: You need others to recognize your value and tell you before you accept it in yourself. It is as if you need the external acknowledgement about some part of yourself, such as someone telling you that you are good at something and you have to stop and think back and then tell yourself, they are right. For some reason you have a hard time acknowledging your good qualities and others have to point them out to you. However you have a catalogue of things you don’t like about yourself or don’t think your good at. You need to do something about this. You should be able to see the good in yourself and not need others to show you.
I need to point out that this reading is a bit unusual because normally for me when I pull this card it is about finally having people recognize a persons talents and contributions and rewarding them with praise or with a job or increased pay. That they are valued by themselves and others. So this is a very unusual feeling coming from the card. Today the card is about someone with low self-esteem, but they don’t even know it. They have never lived their life any other way so they do not recognize that life should be better and that they should feel better about themselves and life in general. This card is a wake up call. As you know, you have to be told by someone else that you should be able to find happiness with in yourself, and if not then get some help. Go to a self-esteem group, talk to your doctor, or find some thing in your area that can help you.