SIX OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually about learning about living in harmony with those around you. As this card is reversed it indicates learning about not living in harmony with those around you. In other words you cannot please everyone no matter what you do. What I see in the card today is: There comes a time, that despite working with others toward a common goal, you realise that you just don’t work well together. It does not matter that you like the same things and are trying to accomplish the same thing. All that matters is that you rub each other the wrong way; you have different ways of communicating, different ways of doing things, different priorities, different ideas on how to best accomplish the same end.
You are learning that just because you want to get along with people and accomplish something it does not mean you are going to be able to. There is a wonderful saying; “You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all the people at the time.” This card is letting you know that it is ok not to get along with everyone or even like everyone even if you do have the same goals and need to work together. Time to accept it, and deal with it. It may mean that you will have to try and accomplish you goals with different people, or learn to grit and bear it until you have accomplished the goal, move on with your life and never work with them again.
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