QUEEN OF WANDS. This card is about a woman of leadership. What I see in the card today is: You are a very strong woman who expects people to follow your lead. It has always been that way for you. You seem to be able to inspire peoples passions for a cause. You expect to be treated as a leader and command respect because you have never had it any other way. You expect people to go to far away places on your behalf and follow your example. You have a strong religious believe that gives you your strength. However it is not Christen but a much older religion, more in touch with nature. You have the power to create havoc and harm but choose to go a less radical approach to accomplish your desirers. Words are your weapons, as is red tape. You control with out being seen or compromised. It is a good thing that you are a businesswoman who believes in helping those who are helpless to help themselves. Protecting children is a good calling no matter what God or God’s you follow. The world would be better with more people like you who believe in saving a life instead of condemning a belief.
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