PAGE OF COINS reversed. This card is usually about wanting to change your line of work or take on more responsibility. As this card is reversed it about wanting a break. What I see in this card today is: That you are finding that having more responsibility is not what you though it would be like. It is not that much fun being held responsible for other peoples actions and performances. Especially when those same people expect you to treat them special and let them get away with things simply because you are friends. Real friends would not place you in the awkward position of trying to do your job or be their friend. For now you have to try and deal with things and it is not where you want to be. So now you cannot go back to the way things were, you either have to make people listen and respect you or loose your job. Either way, you are about to loose some people as friends, not that they were real friends. There has to be a balance between who you were at your old position and who you need to be at your new position. It is not going to be fun for you.
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