EIGHT OF COINS Reversed. This card usually means the craftsman at work and abilities being demonstrated. As this card is reversed it means abilities not being demonstrated, and craftsman not at work. What I see in the card today is: You just don’t have the ability to do what you want. You have the dream but not the talent. It is not anything against you and you do have some talent, but not enough to do your dream. You need to understand that the people who keep telling you this are not trying to hold you back, they are trying to stop you from wasting your time and getting hurt in the long run. They care about you and are trying to be true to you. Don’t turn your back on them just because they have the guts to tell you something you don’t want to hear. They are truer friends then those who tell you what you want to hear. It does not mean you have to give up doing what you love, just understand it will always be a love and a hobby, not a career and lifestyle. You are good, just not great. You enjoy doing, so don’t stop, but get a day job.
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