THE TOWER. This card is about the need to establish very strong foundations in life. What I see in the card today is: You have to make sure that any plans you are working on are built on real foundations, not just dreams or a hand shake deal. Right now you must make sure things are in writing, and an independent lawyer that has your best interest in mind looks over every thing. It is worth the money to make sure your butt is covered, and that things are the way they are suppose to be. You need to know exactly what you are getting into. Do not hold back on checking out peoples past, and make sure they are who they say they are. Use a detective if you have to, but take the time and the money to protect yourself. You cannot afford to get involved in a scam or anything illegal or get taken advantage of. You need to be careful about this for the next few months, possibly the next 6 months. Don’t be too trusting right now, no matter how long you have known someone.
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