SEVEN OF CUPS Reversed. This card normally means confusion, the need to get your priorities in order. As this card is reversed in means that you have your priorities in order. What I see in the card today: You know what is important and what you need to do and what you need to not do. This is causing some conflict as other people know what your needs and focus are but still expect you to do what they want. They don’t understand why you are so focused. You know where you need to put your time, energy, and money and other people just don’t get it. They think you don’t need to be as restrained, that you should live a little and not so one track minded. They don’t understand that you need to keep on track and that giving time, energy and money to other things is just going to slow things down and hold you back. You cannot afford that. You know what you want and how to get there, and what you have to give up to get there and you think it is worth it.
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