FIVE OF SWORDS Reversed. This card is usually about crossed swords, and a parting of ways however it is reversed indicating an avoidance of crossed swords or a pulling together. What I see in the card today is: You have found a common enemy. Usually you guys are at each other, but today someone has disrupted your routine of bugging each other and has become the focus of your negative attention, causing you two to pull together. This is unusual because you like to dislike each other but today you have found someone who both of you dislikes enough to do something about it. Your disagreements are just that, little disagreements that make your day less boring. This third person has really pissed the two of you off. It is OK for you guys to “fight” about little things but you will not put up with anyone harming either one of you. This person did not understand that and targeted one of you, now you are working together and protecting each other. This will only last as long as the threat is there, but you make a great team when you actually work together.
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