TWO OF WANDS Reversed. Usually this card means that good advice being given and received. As the card is reversed it means that bad advice is being given, or good advice is being ignored. What I see in the card today is: You are listening to the wrong people. They are either telling you what you want to hear or what is best for them, not you. They do not have your best interest at hart; they only care for the easy way out or getting what they want. They will tell you whatever they have to so that they get what they want. It may be money, time, or just to get their way. They don’t care about hurting you; they just want to use you. Be very careful about who you listen to. It is about time you stopped turning to others to give you answers, and start figuring things out for yourself. Stop believe things just because so and so told you, find out the truth on your own. Find out what is best for you, not other people. If someone is telling you what is best for you, then you need to stop and think. Is it best for you or someone else? Do your own research, get second and third opinions. Find out all of your options, not just the ones people are telling you about. Do not rely on others to do the work, or make the decisions for you, it is not to your benefit. Do your own research, and make your own decisions based on multiple sources of information.
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