SEVEN OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually all about confusion and the need to get your priorities in order. As it is reversed it indicates that there is no confusion, you have your priorities in order. What I see in the card today is: You have a lot of demands on you, your time, money and emotions. People are placing demands on you all the time, but you have learned to say NO. There are things that are important to you, and you know what you have to do and will not let other peoples needs take you away from them. You are drained emotionally though from having to deal with the conflicts that arise because you are saying NO. You just don’t understand why people don’t see or understand why you do things the way you do, and what is important to you. You have to remember that they have their agenda and you have yours. Also not many people are as clear in their knowledge of what is important to them, so they don’t understand how things that take you away from meeting your goals don’t tempt you. Just keep in mind that meeting a goal does not mean anything if you loose everything else you value in meeting it. In other words what is the point of being successful and have the money to give the best to your family if you loose your family in the process because they were not part of meeting that goal? Keep all your priorities; don’t focus on one to the detriment of another. Keep the balance and you will be fine.
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