EIGHT OF WANDS. This card is about things around you speeding up. What I see in the card today is: You have a lot of things, projects, relationships and people you are invested in. You just don’t have the time to deal with every thing. You are finding that you are spending all your time putting out fires instead of dealing with life. You are so busy fixing things that you don’t have time to enjoy anything. It is the matter of having your fingers in to many pies. You cannot possibly keep up with all the demands, and time is running out. You are going to burn and crash soon if you don’t find time for just you. Stop dealing with so many things, people, and issues. It is time for you to figure out what is important to you and let everything else go. Finish your current commitments but don’t add any new ones. Give yourself a break and some time to enjoy life. Believe it or not people can get along without you doing or fixing everything. Let someone else do it for a change.
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