NINE OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually about experiencing life as a celebration. As it is reversed it is saying your life is anything but a celebration right now. What I see in the card today is: You are emotionally drained. Recently there has been a lot of turmoil in your life and you know that is not going to change anytime soon. This is just part of life and you have to deal with it. It is not what you want right now, nor what you need. You want some peace, tranquility and some security back into your life, not constant running around dealing with unpleasant or unsympathetic people, putting out fires all day instead of resolving things and being contently stressed.
You need a day just to relax, to pamper yourself, to refresh and recharge. It is not going to happen anytime soon. Grab whatever free moments of peace that come your way. Take that quick 5-minute breather before going from one task to another. It is the only de-stressor your going to have. The demands on you and your time are not going to decrease for some time. Eventually you will be able to delegate these things to others but for now you have to do them, and deal with everything.
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