KING OF COINS Reversed. This card is usually about a man at the top of his trade or profession. As this card is reversed it means that a man who is not at the top of his trade or profession, other things are more important to him. What I see in the card today is: You are doing what you have to for the paycheque. Work is just a means to and end for you, not your life nor your passion. What your paycheque lets you do is more important then the job you have to do to get it. There are days when it is hard to go into work, but you know that you need to. Money is not what you are working for, but what you use the money for is.
To be blunt you work to have a place to live and food on the table. Your family is more important to you then the crap you deal with on a daily basis at your job. You know that you are not your job title, and that you have much more value then the work you do. You are part of a family and you have people that depend on you. To keep them safe and fed you will do whatever jobs you need to, even when others don’t give you respect because of your job.
This card is telling you that you have a lot to be proud of. You are one of very few people out there who sacrifice and do what they need to for their families. So your job is not great, easy or high paying, you are an incredible person full of hidden strengths and love. Sometimes you forget your value because of how others treat you. There are millionaires who don’t give as much as you do for your family. You are a hidden hero. Never forget that.
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