NINE OF WANDS Reversed. What this card is usually about taking down your barriers and letting other people support you. This card is reversed so it is about taking responsibility for your actions and dealing with your own problems, don’t depend on others or try to help everyone else. Put some barriers up so that it is not so easy for people to get to you and make you feel as if you have to take care of them and their problems. What I see in the card today is: You have been so busy taking care of everyone else that you have not left anything for yourself. You need to start dealing with your own life first then help others out. You do no one any good if you burn out, or forget to take care of yourself. You need to find some way to make sure that you are not giving too much of yourself to others. Put some barriers up; don’t let yourself be so vulnerable. You have your own issues to deal with. Yes it is easer for you to deal with other people’s problems then with your own, but eventually you will have to deal with them.
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