The Dragon Tarot Card of the day is: SIX OF COINS Reversed. This tarot card is reversed indicating a reluctance to be generous, even though there is a need.
What I see in the tarot card today is: Get your head out of your butt and look around. There are people in need, real need all around you. Yes some have their hands out asking for things, but most are so ashamed about being in this position, worrying about keeping a roof over their heads, feeding their kids that they don't want anyone to know. They are trying so hard to keep their family fed that expensive Christmas gifts are not what they want, they need food, clothing and a helping hand. What they want is a job, a way to take care of their family.
So what if you know for a fact that there are some people who don't need a thing are asking for help. There are so many who desperately need the help and are afraid to ask. Look for that family, the ones with little to no food in their shopping carts. The ones with the desperate look in their eyes, or look like they are going to cry as they look at food, milk and diapers that they simply cannot afford no matter how much they need them. Those are the people you need to help. For some people even $10, a bag of milk or a box of diapers would make a world of difference.
Donate to the food banks, or the toy drives. Give your used clothing to clothing exchanges or homeless shelters. Use freecycle or the many Facebook pages to give away what you don't need or want anymore. Heck if you want to sell some of it really cheap so you don't feel like you are giving it away, and they don't feel like they are taking charity. At times you have to stop worrying about those who will take advantage, and simply trust that you are helping those who are in great need. If you don't want to help out one person, one family then donate what you can to the food banks or toy drives. Even a little given by many will make a difference.
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