KNIGHT OF COINS. This card is about a man who wants to develop the work side of his life. What I see in the card today is: You are doing what you can to develop your career so that you have lots of opportunities for advancement to better paying jobs. You are not one of those people who live for their work, job, or job title. You like what you do but it comes secondary to your family. Your job lets you take care of them and protect them. You wish you could do more so you work harder to be able to provide more. You spend as much time as you can with your family. I am seeing a single dad, with a very young daughter, doing every thing he can to keep her safe and provide everything she needs. You have a tough road ahead of you but you are doing the right thing keeping your work as a means to provide for you and your family. You just need to hear someone tell you that you are doing the right thing, working hard and staying on the right side of the law to provide.
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