THREE OF WANDS Reversed. This usually means leading others by example. However the card is reversed so it means that you are following, not leading. What I see in this card today: You are not happy about having to follow. It is not your idea but circumstances have forced you to follow someone else’s lead to get to where you want to be. You resent that you are not in charge and feel that you can do a way better job then the person in charge. You have a hard time doing what this person is asking of you. You feel that there are a lot better ways to accomplish the same results faster and more efficient than what you are being asked to do. It is very hard for you to keep your comments to yourself and your frustration is starting to show and it is just going to get worse the longer you have to work under this person. You need to get you resentment under control. There is a reason why you have to go through this right now. If you are not able to work with this person all you are showing is that you have a problem working with others and you are not a team player. As long as people’s safety is not in question just deal with it and do your job. Vent to your friends not your co-workers. You may be right, and would love to show every one how well you could do the job and that the wrong person is in charge. Suck it up, this is part of what you have to go through; don’t burn your bridges for some thing so small.
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