EIGHT OF WANDS. This means that tings around you are speeding up. Every thing seems to be rushing past you faster then you can keep up. What I see in the Card today is: That you are afraid to be left behind, that you cannot keep up with the changes going on around you. Also that you would like to have some time to adjust to the changes, but there never seems to be any time. You need a chance to breath and re-energize, and just find where you are and deal with that before there are any more changes. You need to adjust to what has already happened and regroup but things just seem to be speeding up. You don’t even have a chance to catch your breath. There are also several things that you are dealing with and it seems that each one of these issues are demanding a lot of your time and energy. Every time you turn around something is changing or a deadline is coming up. If you were only dealing with one or two issues that would be fine, you could keep up with the demands placed on you. However, with 5 to 8 big issues all running on their own timelines, that overlap it seems like you can never stop and get your breath and balance back. This is not going to change until you stop taking on more work and responsibilities then you can handle. You do not have to do it all. The more you try to do the less you actually accomplish because all your dealing with now is putting out fires instead of making sure they don’t start in the first place. It is time to let go of some of this, don’t take on any more and give yourself some breathing room or your going to come down in a crash.
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