Monday, December 7, 2009

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for December 6 2009

The Tarot Card of the day is PAGE OF CUPS. This tarot card is about new social contacts. What I see in the tarot card today is: You are finally open to the idea of new social contacts, reaching out for new people in your life. It is about time you got out from behind that protective wall you built. You need to be around people, not alone. This time you need to reach out for people that build you up, and you enjoy being around. It is more important that you like the people you are around, and they make you feel fulfilled emotionally. It is not enough that someone likes you and finds you emotionally fulfilling. You need people that you want to be around, not just the ones that want to be around you. This time you need to put yourself first, your likes and wants. Don’t accept people in your life just because you are lonely or board. Accept people you actually want in your life.

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