The Tarot Card of the day is: NINE OF COINS Reversed. This tarot card is usually about gaining recognition in the eyes of others. The tarot card is reversed indicating that you don’t need or want recognition in the eyes of others or that you do but will not get it. What I see in the tarot card today is: You can try as hard as you want but do it for yourself. Today you will not receive external recognition or acknowledgment for anything you do, good things that is. Negative things people will be too happy to notice and point out today. Maybe today you need to give positive recognition to others in the hope that they will return it at a later date. Do the things you do today knowing no one is going to give you any recognition for doing it, but you do it anyway because it is the right way to be.
Card, tarot, reading, psychic, future, free, day, dragon, September, 2009, paranormal, Dragon Tarot Card of the Day, Nine of coins reversed
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