SIX OF CUPS. This card is about learning about living in harmony with those around you. What I see in the card today is: You are used to working well with others in a team, all striving for the same goal, all putting their best forward. There have been other teams or groups supporting your team and although it has been hard work your team works very well together and keeps succeeding. You have had a very positive experience learning how to work with in a team and succeed. You know you can work in a team or group and find it as emotionally rewarding when the team succeeds as it is for you when you succeed as an individual.
Your time with this group is going to end soon, on a positive note, because you will have accomplished the goal the team was designed for. Hang onto this experience, as it is actually an unusual one, having a group or team work so smoothly together and with other groups. Use this experience to help you when you become a part of other teams or groups, because most of them will not work this well. You know what it is like to have been part of one of the best teams ever, now you have to strive to bring that into other groups. It is going to be difficult because most people have their personal agendas and not all personalities work well together. Use what you have learned from this experience to smooth things out and form a group into a team.
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