THE EMPEROR Reversed. This card is about being unable to receive from others and being bossy. What I see in the card today is: You have become so used to doing things on your own that don’t know how to let anyone else do something. You cannot let go of the control. You don’t expect others to help; you expect to have to carry all burdens yourself.
You have trust issues; problems letting people close to you and you resent that you always to do things yourself. You don’t see that you are the person causing this. Every thing has to be your way; you have to be in control because you don’t trust others to do their part. You are very hard to be around. People don’t help because you don’t want it, or you make their lives hell the whole time and then just do it yourself anyway. You don’t ask for help, you try to do everything yourself.
You believe the only way to get things done right is if you do it all. Then you start sticking your nose into what other people are doing because you just know they are doing wrong you’re your way is better then what they are doing. You are always telling people what to do and when to do it, and not in a nice way. Your not trying to help people, you are trying to take over. You are not a fun person to be around. Let it go.
If someone asks you for help or advice, sure then you can help. If someone is buried under paper work, sure offer to help, but don’t try to take over the job or change how they do things. If you rushing to get everything done and someone offers to make coffee or help organize things or even just to set the table let them do it. It is a small thing and it will make them feel helpful, and take some stress off of you. So everything is not done to your standards, it is done and on time. People are not going to care that you did not personally do every little thing yourself, just that it got done, and to their standards. This is for both work and socially.
If you have guests over for dinner, do they really care if you set the table or if someone else did? Do they care if you personally arraigned the flowers or let your kids do it? Right now you are missing out on a lot of the big things in life because you are worrying about being perfect at the little things. What is better telling your kids to get out and leave you alone because your getting ready for the party, or to ask them to help and be part of it, show pried in what they have done be it set the table, fold the napkins, do the flower arraignment, or what ever? How can they feel pride and accomplishment if you are constantly denying them the opportunity, or nothing is ever good enough in your eyes? Just think about what your missing out and what else those around you are missing out on.
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