EIGHT OF SWORDS Reversed. This card is usually about frustration, the need for patience and being unable to see the way out of a problem. As this card is reversed it means that you know exactly what you need to do to get out of a problem. What I see in the card today is: That you know what you need to do and how to do it, and you are just waiting for everything to fall together so you can quickly deal with this problem. Because you know how to deal with this problem you are not letting it bother you and to others it seems as if you are doing nothing about it. The truth is that you have already taken action and have the solution, and are just waiting for everything to fall into place. Once that happens, then you will take action and fix the problem. You are confident that everything is going to work out as planed even though you are waiting on other people to do their part. You know them and trust them, so you are not worried that they are not going to follow through. It is a nice place to be, to see a problem, and have already fixed it before it happens instead of racing around putting out fires all the time. This is done because you take the time to look at all the options and possible upsets and plan accordingly. You have surrounded yourself with confident and competent people who know what they are doing. This takes organization and thoroughness and a lot of hard work on your part just so that you don’t have to live under stress all the time and can enjoy the other parts of your life with out problems interrupting them. Most people don’t see or understand how much work you put into things to make sure that problems are not problems, just solutions that have not happened yet. Things don’t always work out for you or run smoothly because of luck or because people like you, it is because you put the time and energy into things to make sure that you know what could be a problem and what needs to be done to fix it before it happens.
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