THE HERMIT. This card is about withdrawal and reconsideration. What I see in the card today is: That you have too much on your plate, to many demands and no time for yourself. You have some real reasons to mistrust those around you and some of the things that have been happening. This is real not just something in your head. You need to take the time away from the source of your problems and turmoil. Take some time for yourself and take a real look at your fears, the information you have and what you think is going on. You are also going to want to find someone not connected with this at all and bring him all the information and have him help you evaluate it. Don’t discount your gut instinct just because you don’t have proof. You are feeling that way for a reason. If you have the time and money to have someone do some investigating for you then do so. It will provide the answers you so clearly want and need to take action. If you don’t have the time or money then do what you can without breaking the law or placing yourself or others into danger.
my favorite card...