NINE OF SWORDS Reversed. This card is usually about isolation and the need to open up new channels of communication and contact with others. The card is reversed indicating that you are not isolated, and don’t need to open up new channels of communication and contact with others. What I see in the card today is: You are so far from being isolated. In fact you are somewhat overwhelmed by the people in your life. There is always someone there. In one hand that is good because there is always someone there when you need them, in the other hand it can become a bit much always having people around, never having any alone time or time just for yourself. You always have to consider the people around you when you make plans. It feels great knowing you have the support of the people around you but at the same time you would like to have some time just for yourself. Sometimes there are just too many people helping out and it can be difficult to get anything done. You need to find some way to give yourself some space without pushing people away.
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