PAGE OF COINS Reversed. This card is usually about wanting to change your line of work or take on more responsibility. As this card is reversed it indicates that you don’t want to take on more responsibility or work, you want stability not change. What I see in the card today is: You know where you are now and where you want to be. It is not that you are seeking a place in life but struggling to follow the path to get where you want to be when obstacles outside of your control or influence keep dropping down and blocking you. You then find a way to get over that obstacle only to have another one show up. For a change you would like to be able to just deal with what life throws at you, get up and keep going without more stuff to deal with. You don’t want to have to keep fixing things or be the responsible one. You want someone else to take care of things for a bit and give you a break. You don’t what to have to be the strong one anymore.
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