Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 22 2009

SEVEN OF SWORDS Reversed. This card is usually about making an important but worthwhile sacrifice. It is reversed indicating you don’t need to make a sacrifice or if you do it will not be worth it. What I see in the card today is: You are going to be asked to make a sacrifice, to give something up to make someone else happy. Don’t, it is not worth it. It might make things easier for now, give a temporary peace but in the long run it is not going to be worth it for you. Making this sacrifice is not resolving anything; it is just putting a Band-Aid on it to cover up the real problem. Any positive results are only going to be temporary until something else takes its place and you will be asked to change or give up something else. Dealing with the real problem is the only solution.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 21 2009

KING OF SWORDS. This card is telling you; you’ve won the war, now you must win the peace. What I see in the card today is: You got your way, you won, now what? You have to live with and deal with the consequences. Oh, you did not think that there would be consequences, you would get your way and then life would keep moving on in the expected pattern you are used to. Guess what? Live does not work that way. You got what you wanted and now things have changed, deal with it and learn from it. There is a wonderful saying, careful about what you wish for you might just get it. You did and things are not working out the way you expected them to, suck it up! You caused this, no one else.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 20 2009

KING OF COINS. This card is about a man at the top of his trade or profession. What I see in the card today is: This is a person who loves what they do, and the monetary reward is not what is important to them. This person gets caught up in their “job” as being who they are and what they are. This person will do well in their carrier but not as great in the emotional arena as they give their all to their work and have nothing left to give to others in their lives. This person places more value on their accomplishments then on the people in their lives. Very hard to deal with, don’t expect them to change even if circumstances change. In other words don’t expect anything else from this person, they are unable to give or even receive and nothing will change that so stop trying. You need to accept that this is the way things will be with this person and decide if you are ok with it or need to move on, but stop wasting your time trying to make them change.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 19 2009

NINE OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually about experiencing life as a celebration as it is reversed it indicates you life right now is anything but a celebration. What I see in the card today is: You are emotionally exhausted and tired of dealing with other peoples issues. You are not having fun anymore, you are too tired and drained emotionally too find enjoyment or put the effort into much right now. You need to rest and rebuild your emotional reserve before dealing with people right now.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 18 2009

ACE OF WANDS. This card is about a new initiative. What I see in the card today is: There is an opportunity but you have to take the initiative, thinking about it is not enough you actually have to act on it. Right now you cannot afford to pass on this and other opportunities, but if you don’t act then you are going to keep missing out. This is not something that is going to be handed to you, you have to go after it and work for it.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for February 17 2009

PAGE OF COINS Reversed. This card is usually all about wanting to change your line of work or take on more responsibility as it is reversed it indicates not wanting to change your line of work or take on more responsibility. What I see in the card today is: You would like a break, a rest. You would like the credit for what you already do, not more work. You are looking for people to acknowledge the responsibilities you already have, not give you a different job or title with different or more responsibilities.