Friday, June 20, 2008

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 22 2008

THE WORLD. This card is about success and attainment. What I see in the card today is: You have been working very hard and you have become a success at what you do. You have achieved the goals you set up for yourself years ago. You literally have the world at your fingertips. You had a lot of help from one person who has stayed in your shadow. They sacrificed so that you could be were you are now. Don’t forget about what they did and what they gave up so that you could be where you are now. Now that you have what you strived for you have forgotten that you did not get there on your own. Give that other person their due, and your respect for believing you enough to give up their own dreams to support yours. Don’t walk away from them now that the fight to succeed has been won. Give them their share of the dream. They deserve it as much as you do, even if you have forgotten that.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 21 2008

KING OF COINS Reversed. This card is usually about a man at the top of his trade or profession. As it is reversed it is about someone who is not at the top of his or her trade or profession. What I see in the card today is: That money is incredibly important right now. You are willing to do any job to get it, even take on a second job. The job is not what is important right now. Being able to get money together, get out of debt and survive is. You are capable of doing a better job, being higher up in the food chain but right now all you care about is the paycheque. You are willing to do a job you hate, going in everyday hating what you do, but you do it because you need to.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 20 2008

NINE OF SWORDS Reversed. Normally this card is about isolation and the need to open up new channels of communication and contact with others. As it is reversed it indicates that you may need isolation or to close channels of communication or reduce contact with others. What I see in the card today is: You are trying to stay away or get away from one or more people. You are actually overwhelmed by this person and need your own space. I would take this as the start of being stocked or that you are already being stocked by this person. You need to be aware of this and treat it accordingly. Don’t just brush it off as creepy or annoying. Treat it as a real threat. It is only going to get weirder and worse. Start documenting every contact and strange incident and report it to the authorities. It is not bad now but that can quickly change if you are not careful.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 19 2008

THE TOWER. This card is about the need to establish very strong foundations in life. What I see in the card today is: You have had a lot of upheaval in your life, all your life. It has made stability and security something you seek in all things. You want or need to control as much of your life as possible. You are always trying to make sure nothing goes wrong. That everything is going to be ok. You do not like changes, upheaval, or surprises even if they are good ones. You resist giving up any control in your life. You need strong foundations for any relationships, both social and in work. Once you have an established relationship you are very loyal and dedicated. You will continue to seek to establish strong real relationships today and the rest of your life.

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 18 2008

KING OF CUPS Reversed. This card is usually about an emotionally mature man, capable of giving and receiving love. As the card is reversed it is about a man who is not emotionally mature, and is not capable of giving and receiving love. What I see in the card today is: You are unable to have empathy for those around you. You are unable to see beyond your own wants and feelings. You don’t actually care about how your actions and words affect others as long as you get your way, win, or feel you got your two cense in.
People have pointed this out to you several times. You put a little effort into changing and then stop. You have no real incentive to change because you don’t actually care about those around you, not enough to put work into changing. If people want to be around you or with you they just have to accept you as you are.
You are a jerk and people have had enough. You are about to loose yet another set of friends and relationships. But you don’t actually care, more people are easy to find, and if they expect you to change then they are not worth being around, for you that is. If you don’t make some changes soon you are going to be very lonely.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 17 2008

SEVEN OF CUPS. This card is about confusion, the need to get your priorities in order. What I see in the card today is: You have too much on your plate. You are trying to commit yourself to way to many things. You want to be involved in everything and you just can’t. This is causing conflict in your time, energy, finances, friends and family. You have to figure out what is important now and let go of everything else. Other wise you will burn out and loose it all.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dragon Tarot Card of the Day for June 16 2008

NINE OF WANDS. This card is about the need to take down your barriers and let other people support you. What I see in the card today: You are to used to having to do things on your own. You feel that you have no one to rely on but yourself. You need to let the people who care about know what is going on and help you. Even if it is just to listen to you and be there for you. You should not be trying to do this on your own. I know that it is hard to let go, to give up control, that that is not what you are doing. You are letting others take some of the weight off of you, even if it is just for a little bit. You have people there for you. Let them give you the support you need.